Citizen Commissioner appointed to the South West Clinical Senate
Christine Teller is the South West Clinical Senate’s newly appointed Citizen Commissioner. She will Chair the Citizens’ Assembly, providing leadership and guidance alongside the Clinical Senate Chair, Dr Vaughan Lewis.The Citizen Commissioner and three other patients are members of the Senate Council, providing patient perspective to deliberative meetings and contributing to developing the strategic direction and business of the Senate.
Christine lives in Bristol and until 2010, when she retired, she had worked for Bristol City Council as a manager of its services for ‘looked after’ children. Christine has a deep interest in user involvement. Her experience of cancer led to working with the Royal College of Radiologists, the local hospice and the ASWCS Cancer Network User Involvement Group 2010-12. Since July 2013 she has been a Bristol Healthwatch Representative volunteer. She sits on its Advisory Board and the Bristol Health and Wellbeing Board.
Christine says, “I am delighted to take on the role as Citizen Commissioner for the Clinical Senate. My passionate belief in the importance of users having a voice and being active partners in the service delivery plans of their health services will stand me in good stead in maximising opportunities for delivering good health outcomes in the South West. I am excited about this excellent opportunity on the Clinical Senate”.