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Senate Council


The Clinical Senate Council

The Clinical Senate Council is the ‘steering group’ of the Clinical Senate, led by the Clinical Senate Chair, Dr Sally Pearson, and consisting of a core membership of senior health and social care leaders, clinical experts and patient and public representatives. As far as possible, the selection of Clinical Senate Council members will be geographically and professionally distributed.

The Clinical Senate Council will take an overview of the strategic direction and business of the Clinical Senate by:

  • Agreeing the Terms of Reference for the Clinical Senate.
  • Developing and publishing a set of principles and values that guide the Clinical Senate.
  • Being responsible for the formulation and provision of independent advice to commissioners.
  • Agreeing the key priorities for the Clinical Senate in consultation with the health and social care system.


For more information please read the South West Clinical Senate Operating Principles

Senate Council Meetings

SWCS Recommendations. “How can we build a sustainable NHS that’ll enable innovation and support the restoration of evidence based interventions, suspended during COVID 19 pandemic?” What models of care could help to address this?

News, Senate Council, Senate Council Meetings, Senate Recommendations

South West Clinical Senate Recommendations: How can we support people in the South West to live well with pain whilst reducing and preventing harm from opioids medication?

News, Senate Council Meetings, Senate Recommendations

Senate Council Meeting: “When there is a temporary reduction in Pathology Laboratory capacity, how can pathology demand be managed or reduced with the least possible risk of clinical harm?”

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Meeting: Test and Trace Strategy

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Meeting: Capturing beneficial changes from the COVID 19 response

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Pathway Proposal: Delivery of immunosuppressant chemotherapy

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Review: Operating framework for urgent and planned services in hospital settings during COVID-19

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Meeting: Council Review and Planning Meeting

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Meeting: Climate Change

News, Senate Council Meetings

Senate Council Meeting: Community Hospitals

News, Senate Council Meetings

South West Clinical Senate. Student mental health (Jul 2019)

News, Senate Council Meetings, Senate Recommendations

Senate Council Meeting: Primary Care Networks

News, Senate Council Meetings