First Annual Clinical Senate Assembly meeting
The South West Clinical Senate held its first Full Clinical Assembly meeting in Exeter on 10th April. The full day meeting brought together over 100 Clinical Senate Assembly Members, Citizens Assembly Members and Commissioners from around the South West.
The purpose of the day was threefold;
- To bring together South West Clinical Senate members to consolidate their different roles and review the progress of the newly established Clinical Senate so far.
- To discuss what the Clinical Senate can offer to health & social care commissioners across the South West and identify potential future topics and questions the Senate could advise on.
- To offer the opportunity to take part in a mini-senate to help understand the process the Senate Council follows and the types of issues it deliberates on.
Shelagh McCormick, Vice Chair, opened the event and spoke about the role and structure of the South West Clinical Senate, including plans for the Senate to take on the role of NCAT (National Clinical Assurance Team) from September.
The Assembly also heard from different speakers considering some of the challenges ahead for Health and Social Care in the South West. A plenary session was given by Barristers Ian Fenny and Julie MacKenzie on ‘wise decision making and argumentative logic’, looking at the skills and characteristics the Senate Council needs to develop.
Agenda and speaker presentations:
- agenda
- The South West Clinical Senate to date – Shelagh McCormick, Vice Chair, South West Clinical Senate
- Clinical Senates and the interface with SCNs and AHSNs – Nigel Acheson, Medical Director, NHS South
- Challenges facing the South West – Ian Biggs, Area Team Director, NHS England
- Public Health Impact & Outcomes in the South West – Shona Arora, Public Health England
For notes from the mini senates, question generating session or plenary session please contact us