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South West Clinical Senate. Student mental health (Jul 2019)

On the 18th July 2019 the Clinical Senate deliberated the question:

How can healthcare services and universities work together with students to improve their mental health and wellbeing, preventing university student suicide in the South West?

Download the recommendations here


Richard Laugharne, Consultant Psychiatrist, Cornwall Partnership Trust and RCP Clinical Lead

Student Health and Wellbeing

Dr Paul Winterbottom, Consultant Psychiatrist, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust

SW Clinical Senate Suicide Prevention 18072019

Vikki Cochran, South West Clinical Network lead for suicide prevention

Case review audit tool

Joanna McLaughlin, Georgina Angel, Sarah Woodhall, Registrars, Public Health England

Student mental health hub and Bristol NHS/HE Liaison Forum

Dave Sibley, Counsellor, Supervisor and Lead for the Mental Health Advisory Service, Liz Kearton, UWE; Nathan Wallbank, Swindon CCG.

Student CRT

Andrew Markwick, thirdfloor, University of Manchester.

The role of universities in student mental health and wellbeing

Professor Steve West, Chair WEAHSN and Vice Chancellor, UWE.

Perspective of a Student Health Centre

Dr Jo Neumegen, Student Health Centre, St Thomas Medical Group.

Exeter University’s new Community Mental Health Team 

Chris Dickens, Professor of Psychological Medicine & Mental Health Research Group Lead, University of Exeter.

Existing Reccommendations Student Mental Health

Ursula Dunn, Senior Clinical Delivery Manager, Mental Health Team, NHSE

Pre Reading

Article 25 May 2019

DRAFT Healthwatch NS ReportyoungpeopleandMentalHealth1

Mental health listening event v2

Mental Wealth Strategy Update – March 2019

NHS Partnership project

Perspectives in Public Health-2016-Holt-1757913916659095


Transitions and suicide prevention November 2017Article 25 May 2019

Agenda and Notes

18.07.19 Agenda-Senate Council – Student Mental Health. docx

Download the recommendations
2019 18 07 Senate Recommendations Student Mental Health FINAL