Senate Assembly full meeting – 12th March
The South West Clinical Senate will be holding its second Senate Assembly meeting on 12th March 2015 at the Rougemont Hotel in Exeter. The theme for the day is ‘The challenge of delivering urgent care in the South West’.
The line-up of speakers for the day includes:
- Professor Jonathan Benger – National Clinical Director for Urgent Care
- Mr Nigel Edwards – Chief Executive Nuffield Trust
- Mr Göran Henriks – Chief Executive of Learning and Innovation at the Qulturum in the County Council of Jönköping, Sweden
- Dr Matthew Dolman – Chairman Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group
The following breakout sessions are available for you to join:
- Supporting doctors in crisis
- Behavioural economics
- New models of care
- Managing healthcare in a rural landscape
The final agenda will be circulated soon.
If you would like to register for this, please contact
Places will be allocated on a priority basis firstly to Senate Assembly members.