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Vacancy: Senate Chair

The South West Clinical Senate is looking for a new Chair.  Read more about the position and apply by clicking the button on the right.  The advert will close at 23:59 31 July 2024

Senate Council Meeting: Capturing beneficial changes from the COVID 19 response

The SW Clinical Senate learned a lot from its experiences with virtual meetings and events during the global pandemic.

The South West Clinical Senate Citizens’ Assembly has come a long way since its inception in 2014.

South West Clinical Senate Assembly

Are you an aspiring Heath and Care leader? Join our Senate Assembly and be the first to hear of upcoming opportunities to get involved across the South West region.

The Clinical Senate's purpose is to collaborate with commissioners in order to outline the best possible setups for services, all in the pursuit of providing high-quality, long-lasting healthcare. To accomplish this, we create inquiries related to specific service areas, and these questions are deliberated upon during Senate Council meetings. Through this process, the Clinical Senate aspires to become a valuable ally, offering essential insights and guidance to the entire healthcare system.

Advice for Commissioners

Advice for Commissioners

Giving Clinical Input

Giving Clinical Input

Public & Patient Involvement

Public & Patient Involvement


Latest News and Work from the Senate

SWCS Recommendations. “How can we build a sustainable NHS that’ll enable innovation and support the restoration of evidence based interventions, suspended during COVID 19 pandemic?” What models of care could help to address this?

20230629_ Senate Council Thought Piece_Reimaging the NHS_ FINAL V1.0 u Additional resources from the meeting. SW Clinical Senate Meeting 29th June 2023 share 20230629 Citizens Assembly _redefining the NHS v0.2
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South West Clinical Senate Recommendations: How can we support people in the South West to live well with pain whilst reducing and preventing harm from opioids medication?

20230209_ Senate Council Recomendations_REPORT_Pain mgmt_opioid prescribing V1.3 CS Setting the Scene Presentation DH Clinical senate prescribing presentation 2023-Reducing Opioid Prescribing-South West Senate Council (002) Managing harm from opioids – DK
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South West Clinical Senate Recommendations. Handover Delays and Harm (July 2022)

20220721_ Senate Council Recommendations_REPORT_Handover Delays and Harm_FINAL_V1.0
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South West Clinical Senate. Stage Two Clinical Review: Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) STP: Stroke Reconfiguration Proposals

This report has been produced by the South West Clinical Senate for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) STP and provides recommendations following a Clinical Review Panel (CRP) that…
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South West Clinical Senate Recommendations. Climate Change. (November 2021)

Revisiting and Reenergising our focus on Climate Change January 2020 saw the launch of the ‘Greener NHS’ programme and the setting up of an NHS Net Zero Expert Panel chaired…
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About South West Clinical Senate

The Clinical Senate plays a crucial role in collaborating with commissioners to define the best possible service setups that ensure high quality, long-lasting healthcare services. To achieve this, they raise pertinent questions regarding specific service domains, which are deliberated upon in Senate Council meetings. Through this approach, the Clinical Senate aims to become a valuable advisor and supporter of the entire healthcare system.

SW Senate map