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Vacancy: Senate Chair

The South West Clinical Senate is looking for a new Chair.  Read more about the position and apply by clicking the button on the right.  The advert will close at 23:59 31 July 2024

Senate Council Meeting: Capturing beneficial changes from the COVID 19 response

The SW Clinical Senate learned a lot from its experiences with virtual meetings and events during the global pandemic.

The South West Clinical Senate Citizens’ Assembly has come a long way since its inception in 2014.

South West Clinical Senate Assembly

Are you an aspiring Heath and Care leader? Join our Senate Assembly and be the first to hear of upcoming opportunities to get involved across the South West region.

The Clinical Senate's purpose is to collaborate with commissioners in order to outline the best possible setups for services, all in the pursuit of providing high-quality, long-lasting healthcare. To accomplish this, we create inquiries related to specific service areas, and these questions are deliberated upon during Senate Council meetings. Through this process, the Clinical Senate aspires to become a valuable ally, offering essential insights and guidance to the entire healthcare system.

Advice for Commissioners

Advice for Commissioners

Giving Clinical Input

Giving Clinical Input

Public & Patient Involvement

Public & Patient Involvement


Latest News and Work from the Senate

Senate Assembly annual conference – save the date

The South West Clinical Senate will be holding its third Senate Assembly meeting on 17th March 2016. The topic for the day will be ‘Digital Health’.  We will confirm the…
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Senate Role in Independent Clinical Review as part of the NHS England Assurance Process

During August, Dr Sara Evans, Consultant Geriatrician from the Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Bath, and member of the Clinical Senate Council, was invited to sit on an Independent…
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Mental Health Services in the South West

Senate Council Meeting Agenda Minutes Pre-reading: 1 Collaborative Care Model 2 Mental health reconfiguration 3 IAPT-3-year-report 4 Crossing-boundaries 5 Integrating behavioural and physical health care 6 Managing urgent Mental Health…
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The South West Senate Assembly  – 12th March 2015

The theme for the day was ‘The challenge of delivering urgent care in the South West’. Click here for the meeting agenda and here for the conference brief. The following presentations from…
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Latest South West Clinical Senate Recommendations

The South West Clinical Senate met on 17th September 2015 to deliberate: Giving due attention to issues of local clinical engagement and ownership whilst retaining focus on economies of scale,…
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Urgent and Emergency Care

Senate Council meeting Agenda Minutes Pre-reading – Transforming urgent and emergency care services in England Integrated Urgent Care – Commissioning Standards Presentations: An integrated urgent and emergency care system –…
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About South West Clinical Senate

The Clinical Senate plays a crucial role in collaborating with commissioners to define the best possible service setups that ensure high quality, long-lasting healthcare services. To achieve this, they raise pertinent questions regarding specific service domains, which are deliberated upon in Senate Council meetings. Through this approach, the Clinical Senate aims to become a valuable advisor and supporter of the entire healthcare system.

SW Senate map